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Causes and Treatments For Shoulder Pain Relief

Causes and Treatments For Shoulder Pain Relief

Shoulder pain is a common problem faced by most people these days. The pain can be caused by different problems and need different treatments according to the diagnosis done by the doctor. We need to understand why one is having a shoulder pain, the origin of it, and then decide the treatment.
Everything You Need to Know about the Treatment for Rosocea

Everything You Need to Know about the Treatment for Rosocea

Rosacea is a common skin disease. It starts with the skin getting more blush or flush than people not suffering. The redness can also spread to nose and cheeks, then chin and forehand. It can also spread to ears, back and chest too. Symptoms of rosacea depend on the color of one’s skin.
Common Signs of Pneumonia and its Treatment

Common Signs of Pneumonia and its Treatment

Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs that can result from bacteria, viruses, or even fungi. It usually starts when one begins to breathe in germs, usually after an episode of the cold or flu. Cold and flu make it hard for the lungs to fight back, resulting in infections.
Treatments for Reducing High Creatinine Levels

Treatments for Reducing High Creatinine Levels

Chemical waste known as creatinine is produced in the blood that passes through the kidneys to be separated and excreted in urine. A by-product of normal muscle function and the chemical waste, creatinine produce depends on the muscles in a person’s body. More muscles mean more creatinine produce. The level of creatinine in a person’s body reflects both amount of muscle and their kidney function.
Shingles Medications and Treatment

Shingles Medications and Treatment

Shingle is an infectious disease which causes a painful rash. It is equally important to know the signs of shingles before taking any medication. Shingles in, ordinary cases, are characterized by an unpleasant feeling in some areas of skin and a headache which usually turns severe. After a few days of pain, a rash also appears on the skin.
Effective Treatments for Neuropathic Pain Relief

Effective Treatments for Neuropathic Pain Relief

Neuropathic pain is a chronic condition resulting from a disease, injury or infection. In most cases, it is not caused by one single factor. Generally, the pain manifests after some illness or injury. For instance, if you drop something heavy on your foot, your nervous system will immediately send signals of pain to the brain.
Treatment Options for Four Types of Amyloidosis

Treatment Options for Four Types of Amyloidosis

Amyloidosis is a rare disease that develops when amyloid, a protein produced in the bone marrow, builds up. Although it can accumulate in any part of the body, the heart, kidneys, liver, spleen, and digestive tract are commonly affected. Statistics suggest that each year, over 4,000 people in the country develop the condition, which typically affects those between 50 and 65.
All You Need to Know about HER2-positive Breast Cancer

All You Need to Know about HER2-positive Breast Cancer

A protein receptor in our body, also called the human epidermal growth factor receptor 2, controls the cells’ ability to grow, divide, or repair itself. However, when there is something wrong with the gene that is responsible for the HER2 protein, the body starts creating too many receptors. This causes excess production of the breast cells, creating a tumor.